idpTaskCat DescTypeAssignPriorityStatus
5Porthole sealing gaset to be replacedWatertightMedium
4Watermaker 2- ServiceWatermaker smallHight
4Watermaker 1 - ServiceWatermaker BigHight
8Ceiling DismountWaterLeaks_DeckTo have a better piccure and deep cleanMedium
8Find water entrance from deck to the bilgeWaterLeaks_DeckMedium
7Mark Beside the squareTransomShipyardMedium
5Contact Williams La spezia for tenderTenderMarcoHightCompleted
14Galley Bottom BilgeStoragesCarpenterMedium
7PortholesSTB Storagefind and replace the rubbersmedium
13Dismount antenna for Regatta and cut the cableStarlink antennaMust be rewiredHight
1Suspend the antenna for 6 month - if Possible -StarlinkHight
1Finish starlink Intallation NET cable to PeepwaweStarLinkMedium
4Organize with shipyard the repairServiceOilLeak MainEngineShipyardHightStarted
4Service the Main EngineServiceShipyardHight
4Clean Seawater intake filters,Seawater intakeMain, Watermakers,Generators, AconditionVladimiroHight
8Install springs on mooring lineRoutineDeckyCrewHightCompleted
4Install the softener outside the boatRoutineVladimiriHightCompleted
4Anchor Harm Oil LeackRepairFind the leack and tight the pipe connectionPowerOilCrewHight
8Bilge pumpRepairThe Sail locker bilge pump is not workingPlumbingCrewHightNoted
15LED DrivesRepairThe driver is taken from a top lightFornitureCrewHight
4Bolt and screw anchor harmRepairFind and put missing boltsShipchandlerHight
15LED bimini lightRepair2 of the leds are brokenFornitureCrewHight
15Bimini fabricRepairWhen raining , water is leaking downHight
8Crew Cabin DrawersRepairCarpenterVladimiroLowCompleted
15The port aft bimini basement is leaking in Marster bathroom.RepairThe basment is not sealed.CrewHight
8The Fabric is not watertightRepairFind a product if applicable or change with a new one
2Make a list of Passthrought on hullPassthroughtMarcoHight
2Inspect all passthrought and make a reportPassthroughtShipyardHight
2Change needed PassthroughtPassthroughtShipyardHight
2Update information and reportPassthroughtHight
2Galvanic InsulationPassthroughtWire all to a zink pointShipyardHight
13Clean the HullMaintenance
4Clean Galley Sink TankMaintenanceDone by Vladimiro, open and empty the tankCrewVladimiroHightCompleted
4Chain RepaintMaintenanceMedium
13Discharge all removable thingsLogisticRemove all removable things to take waterline buoyancy data for IOR certificatesDeckhandsCrewHightStarted
8Organize the containerLogisticHightStarted
13Call Port Grimaud for berthLogisticCalled in August and September our position is stilpendingOfficeMarcoHightOPEN
7General polishing and some retouchHullShipyardMedium
5Stbd hull glasswindow is brokenHullShipyardMedium
14Sink GrindergenericMedium
4Generator2 - ServiceGenerator2ShipyardHight
4Generator 1 - ServiceGenerator1ShipyardHight
5Desk Crew chart table brokenGeneralCarpenterVladimiroHightCompleted
7Hull paint touch-upsGeneralShipyardMedium
5AUDIO TV brookenDomotic
8Buy a Fein ToolBuylistMedium
8Buy an HP cleanerBuylistCrewHightCompleted
5WC Cover Broken in VIP CabinBathroomMedium
4AC winter serviceAir ConditionHight
8Finish Accounting Lug and AugAdministrationHightStarted
8Improve an InventoryAdministrationDuring stokage in containerHight
2Preliminary Job listAdministrationHightStarted
1Radar RepairThe problem seems to be on the scanner on the mastB&GShipyardMedium
4Clan/Change AC intake FiltersMedium
1Oscar TvMedium
4Victron and Batteries check and setupHight
5Improve the sink flushOpen the box cover under the sink, then open or close the manifoldsCrewVladimiroMediumCompleted
1WiFI OptimizationMedium
8Wall plugs with USB incorporatedFornituresMedium
3Radio recharge stationList of Device to be carried , Designa a prototipe.CarpenterMedium
14Modify galley countersBack of owen the two counter should be modifiedCarpenterShipyardlow
6Install IcemakerLow
6Buy ICEMAKERFornituresLow
5STB StancionsMust be reallinedBlacksmithShipyardMedium
5Bimini zip to be resewedUpholstererMedium
3Buy Portable VhfMedium
8Download Old Jib , Code 0 , Two Code A2 - one MainOld Jib, Code0, and big Spy for SailmakerCrewHightCompleted
5Port Lazarette Hatcess piston to be fixedChanged the piston positionVladimiroMediumCompleted
5Fix Shower dreinage in Twin CabinChanged the pump valves.PlumbingVladimirHightCompleted
5AC water in Owner CabinInspect provenience of AC waterAC Air conHight
4Clean Black and grey water tankMedium
5Locking device to Vip Shower doorsHousewareCrewHight
8Repair and review Anchor remotes systemsHight
4Boom PaintPaintingShipyardMedium
1Iridium testMedium
8Stern Nav Light BrokenHight
5Transom LightElectricsHight
5Hinge repair in backseat port dinetteCarpenterVladimiroMedium
2Prepare a JOBLIST pre inspectionMarcoHight
5Shower wall locker are wetCheck the watertight gasghetMedium
5Blower Piping to be replacedBlacksmithShipyardHight
5Onboard AIR compressor brokenChangeHight
5Send JONBUOY to serviceMarcoHight